Failed to initialize the managed interoperability layer

As with most error messages in Dynamics AX, there are many different situations that can result in exactly the same error message.

Start-SmartDeploy : Failed to initialize the managed interoperability layer of Microsoft Dynamics AX.
At C:\Windows\refresh_staging.ps1:403 char:18
+ Start-SmartDeploy <<<< -Configuration Staging
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Start-SmartDeploy], Initializ
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessConnectorNet.Initiali

I have seen quite a few suggested solutions for this particular one, including checking the versions of the .NET framework, .NET Business Connector installed on both the server and the client, using LogonAs() instead of Logon(), but in every single case I have seen this message, the solution has been….. embarrassingly… simple.

It has always been a case of the problem existing between the chair and the keyboard.

It was as simple as making sure I specify the name of a configuration that actually exists.  For example, if I specify “Live”, but the configuration is actually called “zLive”. (To make sure it always appears at the end of the configuration list.)

It would be nice if the error message would just say “Configuration ‘Live’ was not found.”, but now that I’ve seen it a few times, the configuration name is the first thing I check.

I usually see this when I copy deployment scripts between servers, and the configurations are named slightly differently.

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